dot peen marking on chassis | sic marking-pg电子游戏官网

customer's need

  • vin engraving on frames of mini trucks and trailers manufactured with welded steel.
  • marking id plates with the same machine during the same marking cycle.

advantages / summary

study of a custom magnetic front p122 portable system to mark the chassis. the challenge was also to provide a plate holder that could fit with the specific front.


machine cycle: select the marking file. marking of the frame, hold in position thanks to front end equipped with a magnet. then marking the same code of the nameplate. the vin number is entered only once by the operator, there is no risk of mistake. 


  • the solution enables a clear and precise vin marking preventing any interference during the marking operation.
  • enter once the vin number, no risk of error.
  • marking the frame and the plate with the same means of marking.

